Monday, December 21, 2009

It's a DARKLIGHT Party!

Huge congrats to fellow Novel Girl Lesley Livingston on the release of her second novel, DARKLIGHT--coming to a store near you TOMORROW! I've been waiting on pins and needles for this book since the second I finished reading WONDROUS STRANGE. I can't wait to open the copy that Santa is sure to bring me on Christmas morning!

To celebrate Lesley's release week, she's asked the rest of us Novel Girls to write something about magic. And I a minute! First thought, Lesley is having a giveaway this week. One lucky commenter will win a copy of DARKLIGHT! Just comment to posts throughout the week for a chance to win this awesome book.

Now, about magic. You all know I'm really into magic. After all, I write a series about magic, so this topic is perfect for me. But rather than talk about actual magic, I'm going to go all emotional about the magic of Christmas.

Christmas has always been special and magical to me, for as long as I can remember. Sure, when I was young, that magic had to do with Santa and the brightly wrapped presents under the tree come Christmas morning. Now, though, the magic for me is about tradition, family, and friends. When I bake the same cookies my mother baked, I remember standing in the kitchen, helping her by cracking an egg or sifting in flour. When I hear certain Christmas carols, I think about the massive holiday gatherings we had when I was a child.

Even the foods I choose to serve for Christmas dinner remind me of holiday dinners from my childhood. The Christmas my children have, in nearly all ways, is a reflection on the Christmases I had, and there's a sort of magic there. A tugging of the spirit that reminds me of the traditions, connections, and celebrations of my family.

So while I love gifts (who doesn't!), and I love Christmas cookies (mmm), what I love the most about this season--what I find the most magical--is how it brings me back to a place of childhood innocence, Santa Claus, and the belief in magic itself. How awesome I get to share that with my kids each and every year, and someday, they'll share it with theirs.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered to win a copy of DARKLIGHT by Lesley Livingston. Or, if you can't wait, it's out tomorrow! Go get a copy for Christmas--you won't regret it!


Lesley Livingston said...

That was a lovely post, Tracy!

I think I can smell cookies baking! Magic. ;-)


Crissi said...

Ummm, I'm sorry to say that I cannot wait until the end of the week to see if I win a copy, BUT I am going to CHAPTERS at 9:30am TOMORROW morning to buy my copy of Darklight.

However, if I do win a copy, it will be like magic really does exist!

Anonymous said...

OMG! why do I have an exam Wed, I could run to chapters and buy Darklight!

And christmas really is magical even if it is just the smells

Anonymous said...

OMG! why do I have an exam Wed, I could run to chapters and buy Darklight!

And christmas really is magical even if it is just the smells

Anonymous said...

Sweet post!

Happy Holidays, Tracy!


Anonymous said...

Yay for tomorrow!
Merry Christmas,

theoriginalspy said...

Commenting can potentially win me a copy of Darklight? Talk about happiness in a post.

Anonymous said...

Awww yay Lesley!!!!I am so excited for you!...Tracy,I would like some snickerdoodles please ma'am.

Sara said...

To me, the most magical part of Xmas is the minutes before everyone in the house wakes up and I go look out at the freshly fallen snow in my backyard!

I've seen a copy of DARKLIGHT... it was so pretty! ;)

cait045 said...

Happy Holidays!!!! I can't believe its here already.

Congrats on the release Lesley!!!

Ladytink_534 said...

I'm really looking forward to Darklight!

I just love Christmas. Ever since I was a little girl all the women in the family got together and baked all kinds of goodies. Now I do most of the baking but it's still one of the best things of the year when my mom and I talk about times in the past when we've made certain things. Great post!!!

buddyt said...

You mention one thing that I have always found brings back memories for me, namely smells.

It is funny how often we don't think of how much that association happens to us all.

Every thing from baking and cooking smells, to the smell of the ocean, of pine forests and yes even of certain perfumes can transport us back to times we have almost forgotten about.

Happy hoildays tp all.


Erica said...

I totally agree about the magic of Christmas. It always seems so special

Jenny N. said...

Great post. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

donnas said...

Happy Holidays!

And I agree Christmas is a truly magical time of year.